Folded Gate Invitations

The Loretta wedding invitation is gorgeous. This rustic twine wrapped gate fold invitation has a matching hand-lined envelope. As shown here, this navy, green, and white ensemble was created with a lake-side event in mind; but with a few tweaks in color and design, this invitation can be customized to fit your event.

Price: $275  (Price includes 50 invitations with matching RSVP postcard.)

Mocha Flowered Folded Gate Card

Mocha Flowered Folded Gate Card

This stylish gate-fold wedding invitation is shown on honey graham card stock features rich hand stamping.   Your invitation wording is printed on the flat center panel inside. Measures 6- 5/8″W by 5″H.   Ivory envelopes accompany this invitation.

Price: $200  (Price includes 50 invitations with matching RSVP postcard.)